8ο Δημοτικό Κηφισιάς

Δ/νση Π.Ε. Β' ΑΘΗΝΑΣ

Βρίσκεστε εδώ: Αρχική Εκπ/κές Δράσεις International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day

Languages are who we are. 

    Protecting our linguistic identity is a matter of human rights

Let`s celebrate together the power of languages to connect with our heritage and to build peace and sustainability!

Happy Mother Language Day!

This is how we celebrated Mother Language Day this year! 

Tell us, how do you say “love” in your mother tongue? ❤

Which is your favorite word in your language?

Βρίσκεστε εδώ: Αρχική Εκπ/κές Δράσεις International Mother Language Day