P+EACE blog website - International Day of Peace
- Λεπτομέρειες
- Κατηγορία: ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ
- Δημοσιεύθηκε : 02 Μαρτίου 2024
- Γράφτηκε από τον/την Super User
- Εμφανίσεις: 1446
On the occasion of the annual celebration of the International Day of Peace, the 8th Primary School of Kifissia, a member of ASPnet UNESCO, suggested organising common activities to sensitize students worldwide on the values of peace and non-violence.
The coordinator for the actions within the ASPnet Network at the school and Deputy Headteacher, Vassia Chasioti, came up with the idea of a common celebration with best practices of all school members of ASPnet UNESCO.
Inspired by the successful educational activity "Gift a poem", she proposed, in the context of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the ASPnet-UNESCO Network, an awareness campaign entitled "Embracing Peace" regarding the celebration of the International Day of Peace.
This proposal is based on the common goal of the members of the Network worldwide: "to build the defences of peace in the minds of the young". Peacebuilding must be implemented during peace and not only during war".
Hence, the 8th Primary School of Kifissia invited all schools to implement actions using the messages of the students:
"Students for Peace",
"We are against all wars",
"All dressed in white! Peace for a better life!"
The coordinator, Vassia Chasioti, created a blog website dedicated to the campaign to post (as was done with the Polish campaign) the reports of the teacher-coordinators from each participating school, with corresponding material from their actions.
On the blog P+EACE (Peace and Equity Agents` Collaborative Empowerment), we can see all the activities of the 23 participating schools from Greece and some of the materials that they created, such as art and digital creations, videos, choreographies, celebrations, songs and poems.
The 8th Primary School of Kifissia has created posters and information materials in English and French to give a global dimension to this celebration.
In the previous days, teachers will prepare the students by discussing the World Day of Peace, established by the United Nations in 1981, to spread the ideals of peace and non-violence among nations. On this particular day or on the occasion of this day, the students of the participating schools can do individual or group activities such as a song, a construction, a poster or banner, a play, a poem or improvise.
All these actions will occur in the schoolyard, event hall or any place the school decides (it could also be a public square).
Students and teachers will come to school dressed in white (referring to the white dove of peace) and will exhibit all their creations (individual and collective).
In the place where the event will take place, a white paper carpet or large pieces of paper will be laid, markers will be distributed, and the students will draw ... their creations inspired by peace! Furthermore, the children will be placed in the schoolyard to form the peace sign, and the teachers will photograph the action.
The Coordinator, Vassia Chasioti, has also created an Instagram account (@peaceday8primkifissia) where the school's actions and the students' creations inspired by peace are shown and disseminated. As stated in the letter to the National Coordinator, "We design and use all the students' ideas to enrich the celebration of Peace Day! Songs, dances, poems, theatrical events, constructions, painting... This Day is an opportunity for all of us, students, teachers and parents, to be inspired and to think creatively and collectively about how to change our world and ensure a fairer, equitable, peaceful and sustainable future with prosperity for all people".
These activities bring us together and mobilize our students to become active citizens and strive to create a better world with peace, respect for diversity and a desire to live in harmony with nature and all the creatures on our planet.
Let us unite for the Celebration of the International Day of Peace and become Peace Agents around the world!
Embrace Peace!